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   Welcome to Shekinah


 On the 1st November 2015 Shekinah Christian Fellowship  moved to new premises in Misato Azumino City. God provided a property for our church to use in a part of Misato called Meisei which kanji characters mean bright and flourishing. This fits well with our church name, Shekinah and our desire to see the people of our area enjoy the blessing of God. 

On 11th June 2018 we aquired the property and were able to make full payment for it. 

We give praise and thanks to God for his awesome provision. We also greatly appreciate the prayer and support of so many who gave generously so that the church could rise up here in Misato Azumino.

Thank you so much!

For those who would like to give financially to support the church here in Azumino, the church bank details are below.

With many thanks from all of us here in

Shekinah Christian Fellowship.



Shekinah Christian Fellowship Bank Details:

Nagano Bank


Branch number: 121

Account number: 8819448

Account name: Sekai Seinen Senkyoukai (世界青年宣教会) 

Yoshida Kazuhiko 吉田 和彦 (representative)



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